If clay blocks with vertical voids and general-purpose mortar are used in masonry construction, interlocking will occur during placement of units and mortar. Shear strength of the clay block and solid brick masonry is usually determined in the same way, without taking interlocking into consideration. With interlocking, the tensile strength of clay blocks is reached before mortar bed joint sliding occurs. In order to consider the effect of interlocking in nonlinear analyses, three-dimensional design models were built and verified using physical model response. The shear resistance function was adopted to enable proper description of masonry response. Povezivanje u spoju mortom u ziđu od opečnih blokova Ako se pri izvedbi konstrukcijskog ziđa upotrebljevaju opečni zidni elementi s vertikalnim šupljinama i mort opće namjene, tijekom ispunjavanja sljubnica nastupa prodiranje morta u šupljine zidnog elementa. Otpornost pri posmiku određuje se na jednak način za ziđe od punih ili šupljih opečnih zidnih elemenata te stoga utjecaj međusobnog spoja zidnih elemenata i sljubnica morta nije uzet u obzir. Pomoću prostornih nelinearnih proračunskih modela i usporedbom s odzivom fizikalnih modela provjeren je utjecaj međusobnog spoja šupljih zidnih elemenata i sljubnica morta na posmičnu nosivost. Građevinar 8/2016 610 stress. Therefore, the influence of interlocking is not considered. Additionally, the limit to the shear strength value is set to the masonry unit tensile strength normal to the bed face, i.e., f vlt = f mu,t,h = 0.065•f mu,c,h, where f mu,c,h is the corresponding masonry unit compressive strength. Thus, physical properties of the clay blocks parallel to the bed face, e.g., f mu,c,b , are not accounted for, with the exception of f mu,c,b,min = 2 N/mm 2 according to [2]. The influence of interlocking on the shear strength of the clay block masonry was investigated in this paper. Tests were conducted along the mortar head and bed joints with and without interlocking, respectively. Physical properties of the clay blocks normal and parallel to the bed face were determined in compliance with [5,6]. Masonry specimens (physical models) for shear strength tests were built according to [7]. Physical properties of clay blocks and masonry bond were used to build three-dimensional design models in a computer program [8] in order to adequately present interlocking in non-linear analyses. The shear strength of clay block masonry was equal to the tensile strength of clay blocks parallel to the bed face. The interlocking of mortar bed joints in the design model was successfully described by the shear resistance function.GRAĐEVINAR 68 (2016) 8, 609-616