Dehydration or water-deficit is one of the most important environmental stress factors that greatly influences plant growth and development and limits crop productivity. Plants respond and adapt to such stress by altering their cellular metabolism and activating various defense machineries. Mechanisms that operate signal perception, transduction, and downstream regulatory events provide valuable information about the underlying pathways involved in environmental stress responses. The nuclear proteins constitute a highly organized, complex network that plays diverse roles during cellular development and other physiological processes. To gain a better understanding of dehydration response in plants, we have developed a comparative nuclear proteome in a food legume, chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Three-week-old chickpea seedlings were subjected to progressive dehydration by withdrawing water and the changes in the nuclear proteome were examined using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Approximately 205 protein spots were found to be differentially regulated under dehydration. Mass spectrometry analysis allowed the identification of 147 differentially expressed proteins, presumably involved in a variety of functions including gene transcription and replication, molecular chaperones, cell signaling, and chromatin remodeling. The dehydration responsive nuclear proteome of chickpea revealed a coordinated response, which involves both the regulatory as well as the functional proteins. This study, for the first time, provides an insight into the complex metabolic network operating in the nucleus during dehydration. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 7:88 -107, 2008.Environmental stress limits growth, development, and crop productivity (1, 2) and plays a major role in determining the geographic distribution of plant species. Several environmental stresses are united by the fact that at least part of their detrimental effect on plant performance is caused by disruption of plant water status. Periods of little or no rainfall can lead to a meteorological condition called drought. However, water deficit or dehydration, can also occur at conditions in which water is not limiting, through altered ion content and water uptake caused by high salinity or by formation of extracellular ice during freezing. Desiccation is the extreme form of dehydration wherein most of the protoplasmic "free" water is lost and the cell survival relies on the 'bound' water associated with the cell matrix.