We surveyed the fuh species in five Chicago harbors of Lake Michigan from the spring of 1988 until the end of June of 1990 to establish a baseline of information regarding this fishery. The study took place prior to the invasion of the zebra mussel and exotic f d species such as the round goby and the ruffe, which have subsequently altered the habitat. Twenty-six fuh species were captured by electrofuhing. These species included five species which were not known to occur in Illinois waters of Lake Michigan; they were: white perch, quillback carpsucker, longear sunfish, black crappie, and the freshwater drum. Seventeen species were caught by sport fuhermen. One of these species, the channel c a t f~h , was never previously caught by f~hermen or other sampling techniques in the Illinois waters of Lake Michigan. The abundant species were alewife, carp, gizzard shad, golden shiner, and yellow perch. Other species included largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, rock bass, bluegill, pumpkinseed, green sunfuh, black bullhead, and white sucker. Chinook salmon, coho salmon, brown trout, rainbow trout, and a single lake trout were caught during the fall months. Yellow perch was the primary sport f s h caught, and rainbow smelt was caught by gillnets in spring.