Goosegrass (Eleusine indica L.) is a serious weed in traffi cked areas of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) golf and sports turf. Th e objective of this study was to evaluate soil compaction and canopy cover as determinants of goosegrass competition in bermudagrass turf in sand soil. Goosegrass cover, plant density, and soil penetration resistance (SPR) were measured in traffi c and notraffi c plots in bermudagrass golf course tees and sports fi eld foul areas. Goosegrass plant density and cover were larger in traffi c plots compared with no-traffi c plots. Soil penetration resistance increased only at 5.0 cm depth due to traffi c, while other soil properties including bulk density measured in golf course tees showed no eff ect from traffi c. Two experiments measured the eff ect of controlled soil compaction on root and shoot dry weight of goosegrass and bermudagrass in containers. Th e fi rst experiment evaluated eff ects of three soil compaction levels (1.14, 1.24, 1.33 g cm -3 bulk density) on goosegrass and bermudagrass grown separately. Th e second experiment evaluated eff ects on the two species grown together in competition, from two soil compaction levels (1.07 and 1.26 g cm -3 bulk density), two N application rates (48 and 96 kg ha -1 mo -1 ), and two mowing heights (1.3 and 2.5 cm). Th e second experiment also evaluated goosegrass seedling emergence and tiller numbers. When species were grown separately, bermudagrass root and shoot dry weight showed no eff ect from soil compaction, but goosegrass root weight was reduced. When species were grown together, bermudagrass root weight was reduced by compaction, but goosegrass was not aff ected. Goosegrass seedling emergence was reduced 58% by high mowing height, which paralleled an increase in bermudagrass canopy cover based on shoot dry weight. Canopy cover, not compaction, more readily explained the competition and infestation of goosegrass in traffi cked areas in sand soil.