Educational issues in Romania are increasingly associated with vulnerable backgrounds and understanding the perspective of teachers on this social phenomenon can significantly help us in developing ecological intervention strategies. The aim of this study was to reveal how teachers understand the causes of vulnerability and represent the general effects on students, but also to assess how they think about solutions. Such an approach is useful in designing teacher training programs dedicated to educational vulnerability. 671 teachers were surveyed, crosstabulation was operated between different variables, and the results indicate a focus on the family environment, low access to resources in many Roma communities, and poverty. The main effects associated with the origin of students from vulnerable backgrounds relate to school results, behavioral problems, and school dropout. Interestingly, teachers represent the solutions primarily as a family-level intervention and less as a structural intervention by the state or school. The nature of this research is exploratory and we assume the limits and certain reservations regarding the conclusions, but our results may indicate a valid direction in investigating the representations of teachers in Romania on the relationship between vulnerable backgrounds and education.