We develop a simple model to compute the energy-dependent decay factors of metal-induced gap states in metal/insulator interfaces considering the collective behaviour of all the bulk complex bands in the gap of the insulator. The agreement between the penetration length obtained from the model (considering only bulk properties) and full first-principles simulations of the interface (including explicitly the interfaces) is good. The influence of the electrodes and the polarization of the insulator is analyzed. The method simplifies the process of screening materials to be used in Schootky barriers or in the design of giant tunneling electroresistance and magnetoresistance devices. PACS numbers: 73.40.Gk, 73.30.+y, 77.80.Fm,Interfaces between different oxide materials exhibit a fantastic variety of functional properties, some of them intrinsic to the boundary between the constituent compounds [1]. A ubiquitous type of interface is that formed between a metal and an insulator or semiconductor, since the presence of electrodes is required for the application of electric fields in solid state devices. At any metal/insulator interface, bulk Bloch states in the metal side of the junction with eigenvalues below the Fermi energy and within the energy gap of the insulator cannot propagate into the insulating side. These states do not vanish right at the interface either, but they decay exponentially as they penetrate into the insulator [2]. Indeed, the tails of the metal Bloch states might have a significant amplitude for a few layers from the interface, creating a continuum of gap states [the so-called metal-induced gap states (MIGS)] [2]. These MIGS are essential to determine many interfacial properties. The transfer of charge associated to them contribute to the interfacial dipole, which enter into most of the models describing the formation of Schottky barriers. For this reason, theory of MIGS were deeply studied in semiconductor heterostructures [3, 4]. More recently, the attention has turned to metal/oxide interfaces, mostly due to several works that have first predicted [5, 6] and later demonstrated giant tunnel electroresistance [7-10] and magnetoresistance [11][12][13] in ferroelectric/metal junctions, where the decay length of the MIGS plays a major role.The eigenstates of the Hamiltonian for the interface can be described as the matching at the junction of two wave functions: an ordinary bulk Bloch state on the metal side, and an exponentially decaying function on the insulator side. Assuming that the interface is periodic in the plane parallel to the boundary [referred to as the (x, y) plane], then the components of the wave vectors parallel to the interface, k , are real and have to be preserved when the electron crosses the junction [14]. Therefore, the previous matching is possible only if the two wave functions do have the same associated energy, symmetry, and k [15].The exponential tails within the insulator decay only in the direction perpendicular to the junction (referred to as the z-direction), and ca...