Local velocities and aspect ratios of rising bubbles were measured to investigate the e ects of bubble detachment shape on rising bubble hydrodynamics. Two types of capillary were employed to generate bubbles of identical volume: one glassy nozzle aligned vertically and the other stainless steel needle aligned horizontally. Horizontally injected bubbles have a spherical initial shape, and their values of aspect ratio slightly uctuate around unity. However, vertically injected bubbles have a surface-stretched initial shape, and their values of aspect ratios decrease sharply from 1.1 to 0.65. There is a notable correspondence between the variation of local velocities and aspect ratios that re ects the relevance of the detachment shape of the bubbles to their surface energy. Correlations of Taylor & Acrivos and Vakhrushev & Efremov for aspect ratio were examined by experimental data.