Photosynthetic acclimation of phytoplankton to lower irradiation can be met by several strategies such as increasing the affinity for light or increasing antenna size and stacking of the thylakoids. The latter is reflected by a higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Additionally, photosynthetic capacity (P max ), respiratory losses, and proton leakage can be reduced under low light. Here we consider the effect of light intensity and phosphorus availability simultaneously on the photosynthetic acclimation and fatty acid composition of four phytoplankters. We studied representatives of the Chlorophyceae, Cryptophyceae and Mediophyceae, all of which are important components of plankton communities in temperate lakes. In our analysis, excluding fatty acid composition, we found different acclimation strategies in the chlorophytes Scenedesmus quadricauda, Chlamydomonas globosa, cryptophyte Cryptomonas ovata and ochrophyte Cyclotella meneghiniana. We observed interactive effects of light and phosphorus conditions on photosynthetic capacity in S. quadricauda and Cry. ovata. Cry. ovata can be characterized as a low light-acclimated species, whereas S. quadricauda and Cyc. meneghiniana can cope best with a combination of high light intensities and low phosphorus supply. Principal component analyses (PCA), including fatty acid composition, showed further species-specific patterns in their regulation of P max with PUFAs and light. In S. quadricauda and Cyc. meneghiniana, PUFAs negatively affected the relationship between P max and light. In Chl. globosa, lower light coincided with higher PUFAs and lower P max , but PCA also indicated that PUFAs had no direct influence on P max . PUFAs and P max were unaffected by light in Cry. ovata. We did not observe a general trend in the four species tested and concluded that, in particular, the interactive effects highlight the importance of taking into account more than one environmental factor when assessing photosynthetic acclimation to lower irradiation.