Herein,w es tudiedt he effect of surface treatment of compact TiO 2 layer by vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light and by TiCl 4 on the I-V hysteresis of perovskite solar cells prepared on fluorine-dopedt in oxide (FTO) substrates with two different surface roughnesses.I nitially,t he cells prepared on flat FTO substrates show better results than cells prepared on rough FTO,w ith slightly higher power conversione fficiency (PCE) and less hysteresis in the I-V curves.T reatment of TiO 2 preparedo nf lat FTO has no effect on the I-V hysteresis because of better contact between TiO 2 /CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 layers.T reatment of TiO 2 layer on rough FTO has ap ositive effect on the PCE and I-V hysteresis and stability.Despite the rapid progress in power conversion efficiency (PCE;2 2.1 %) of perovskite solar cells,t he fundamental problems pertaining to stability and origin of the currentvoltage (I-V)h ysteresis are still unsolved. [1][2][3] The I-V hysteresis creates an ambiguity about the actual power of the devices and persists as ac hallenge in this field. [4][5] To elucidate its origin,s everalh ypothesesi ncluding ion migration/displacement, ferroelectric polarization, trappingo fe lectronsa t the interfaces,a nd capacitive effects [6][7][8] were proposed. Migrationo fi ons such as CH 3 NH 3 + ,I À ,P b 2 + ,a nd H + [9] was also suggested as origin of hysteresis.D iffusion of intrinsic ionic defects in CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 layer implies ah igh long-term stability and performance of the solar cells.I on migration can create defects in the crystal, and these defects can affect the physical and charge-transfer properties at interfaces, eventually leading to charge accumulation. Thef erroelectric polarization of the perovskite and its contributioni ss till questionable because there is no direct evidence for ferroelectricity in perovskites under operating conditions. [10] Va riationo ft emperature alters the lattice parameters,a nd the difference in thermal expansion coefficient combined with the lattice mismatch between TiO 2 and perovskite could result in interfacial defects.[8] Weak contacts and defects between two layers may hinder charge transfer at this interface, resultingi nI-V hysteresis.T op rovide further clarification, many reports have also shownc apacitive effects in I-V hysteresis phenomena. [8,[11][12][13] In one of our previous reports,w e also found that the origin of hysteresis in I-V curvesc an be explained by an equivalent-circuit modeli ncluding ac apacitance as ac omponent.[8] Experimental I-V curves were successfully reproduced by simulating the I-V behavior of the equivalent circuit. In some cases,d epending on the sample's fabrication conditions,t he normal trend of hysteresis became opposite, that is,t he reverse scan showing ah igher performance than the forward scan.[14] An inductance element representing the kinetics of the charges at the perovskite/ contacti nterfaces in the equivalent circuit can be one reason for this opposite trend. Both, presence of capacitancea nd inductance are related to the in...