Subunit (<i>CHRNA7</i>) gene, and expression of gene-targeting miRNAs (hsa-miR-548e-5p and hsa-miR-3158-5p) in migraineurs (n = 102; with aura, n = 43; without aura, n = 59) and non-migraines (n =120) aged 15-60 years, comparative, case-control study was conducted. Genetic markers were compared with biochemical parameters (BMI, WBC, Urea, GFR, ESR, CRP, HBG). All analyzes were performed by quantitative Real-Time PCR (q-PCR) and fold change was calculated with the 2-<sup>ΔΔCT</sup> method. The diagnostic power of the <i>CHRNA7</i> gene, CNV, and miRNAs were analyzed with the receiver operating curve (ROC). <i>CHRNA7</i> gene and hsa-miR-3158-5p are down-regulated in migraineurs and the gene is controlled by this miRNA via CNVs (p<0.05). Both deletion and duplication were detected in patients with migraine for CVN numbers (P = 0.05). The number of CNV deletions was higher than duplications. When CHRNA7-CNV-hsa-miR-3158-5p was modeled together in the ROC analysis, the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.805, and the diagnostic power was "good". In migraineurs, the <i>CHRNA7</i> gene can be controlled by hsa-miR-3158-5p via CNVs to modulate the mechanism of pain. These three genetic markers have diagnostic potential and may be used in antimigraine treatments.