Thirteen herbicides were tested for toxicity against strains of Rhizobium used in South African legume inoculants for lucerne, clover, soybeans, groundnuts and lupins, respectively.Each of alachlor, bromoxynil, proprop, metolachlor, naptalam + dinoseb, and trifluralin inhibited at least two of the strains after a contact period of ca 10 s. No strain survived 42 h in contact with any of these herbicides. Atrazine and terbutryn were relatively non-toxic. The slow·growing strains of Rhizobium japoni· cum, Rhizobium /upini and Rhizobium sp. (groundnuts) were less affected by at least two of the herbicides tested than strains of the fast·growing R. meliloti and R. trifolii. Toxicity of a herbicide to rhizobia in vitro did not necessarily correlate with its effect on nodulation and some are considered suitable for field application.S. Atr. J. Plant Soil 1984, 1: 135-138 Dertien onkruiddoders is getoets vir toksisiteit teen Rhizobiumrasse wat gebruik word in Suid-Afrikaanse peulgewasentstowwe vir lusern, klawer, sojabone, grondbone en lupiene. Alachlor, bromoksinil, proprop, metolachlor, naptalam + dinoseb, en trifluralin het elk minstens twee rasse onderdruk na kontak van slegs 10 s. Geen ras het oorleef na 42 h-kontak met enige van die onkruiddoders nie. Atrasien en terbutrin was relatief onskadelik. Die stadiggroeiende rasse van Rhizobium japonicum, Rhizobium /upini en Rhizobium sp. (grondbone) is minder benadeel deur minstens twee van die onkruiddoders, as rasse van die vinniggroeiende R. me/i/oti en R. trifo/ii. Die toksisiteit van 'n onkruiddoder vir rhizobia in vitro kon nie noodwendig gekorreleer word met 'n nadelige uitwerking op knopvorming nie, en sommige word as geskik beskou vir aanwending op die land. S.·Afr. Tydskr. Plant Grond 1984, 1: 135-138