For today's youth, using technology into educational activities has become essential. The availability of technological resources, such as tablets, laptops, and smartphones, enables students to swiftly access course content. The study of Arabic grammar is a challenging subject, and educators use technology as a teaching tool. Using infographic programmes, which emphasise information presentation in an easy-to-understand and engaging manner, is one of them. This study was conducted to evaluate the usability of an animated infographic module that has been developed through a Design and Development Research (DDR) approach. This usability evaluation is based on the TUP Model (Bednarik, 2002). This model includes technological aspects, module usability aspects and pedagogical aspects. A semistructured interview was used as a research instrument involving five respondents. Qualitative interview data is structured into themes based on the model. The researcher also used the document analysis method through student feedback notes in the Padlet application after the last learning session. The results show that students are satisfied with the usability aspects of the module and are suitable for use as simple and effective learning materials.