“…In management studies one can find a broad spectrum of organisation modes for innovation, beyond the level of a single enterprise. Teece and Chesbrough (2002) summarised five typical models of business organisation for innovation: virtual organisation (Alexander, 1997;Wiggins and Crowston, 2010), alliances (Osborn and Hagedoorn, 1997;Soh, 2009), joint venture (Inkpen and Beamish, 1997;Peng and Shenkar, 2002), corporation with autonomous divisions and integrated corporation (March and Simon, 1958;Henderson and Clark, 1990;Nakhla, 2003). More recently, research in new product development has focussed on the case of co-development (Chesbrough and Schwartz, 2007;Maniak and Midler, 2008) as well as exploration (Segrestin, 2005;Gillier et al, 2010) partnerships.…”