It has been reported that performance on recognition, detection, and matching tasks is enhanced if stimuli are projected to both sides of the visual field rather than to one side alone (Dimond, 1972). The present study investigated the claim that this phenomenon is due to the distribution of the burden of perceptual processing between the hemispheres. Three experiments were carried out using a matching paradigm in which RT and response errors were recorded. In all experiments, subjects were required to match two letters that were displayed separately on either side of a central fixation point (bilateral presentation) or were displayed together on the same side of the visual field (unilateral presentation). It was found that although lateral interference between adjacent stimuli was significantly implicated in the phenomenon, a strong residual effect, which could be tentatively ascribed to hemispheric mechanisms, remained in relation to letter name matches. It is argued that a model based on parallel hemispheric decision processes provides a better account of the data than does one based upon the notion of distributed perceptual processing.Several studies (e.g., Dimond, 1970Dimond, , 1972Elithorn & Barnett, 1967) have shown that performance on a reaction time (RT) task may be facilitated by projecting component stimuli of the task to different, rather than same, sides of the visual field. Dimond (1970), for example, presented arrow shapes to the left, right, or both sides of the visual field. Subjects were instructed to respond with the hand indicated by the arrow. On some trials, two arrows were presented simultaneously, one pointing in each direction, and a double response was required. On these trials, the two arrows were presented in either the left or the right visual field, or were divided so that one arrow appeared on each side of the visual field. The results of this experiment were striking. When a double response was required, RT was some 95 msec shorter when the arrows were divided between the two sides of the visual field. Dimond attributed this finding to the distribution of the burden of perceptual processing between the cerebral hemispheres. He argued that the arrival of stimuli in separate hemispheres, via opposite sides of the visual field, permits simultaneous analysis and encoding to occur in the two perceptual systems, thus reducing the overall time ordinarily required for such operations. In commenting on this explanation, he noted that if each hemisphere shared stimulus information with the other immediately upon receiving it, one would not expect the projection of stimuli to same or separate visual fields to have any differential effect upon performance.This implies that when stimuli are projected to both sides of the visual field, the two hemispheres are able to