Oscillatory systems with time-delayed pulsatile feedback appear in various applied and theoretical research areas, and received a growing interest in recent years. For such systems, we report a remarkable scenario of destabilization of a periodic regular spiking regime. At the bifurcation point numerous regimes with non-equal interspike intervals emerge. We show that the number of the emerging, so-called "jittering" regimes grows exponentially with the delay value. Although this appears as highly degenerate from a dynamical systems viewpoint, the "multi-jitter" bifurcation occurs robustly in a large class of systems. We observe it not only in a paradigmatic phasereduced model, but also in a simulated Hodgkin-Huxley neuron model and in an experiment with an electronic circuit. PACS numbers: 87.19.ll, 05.45.Xt, 87.19.lr, 89.75 Interaction via pulse-like signals is important in neuron populations [1][2][3], biological [4,5], optical and optoelectronic systems [6]. Often, time delays are inevitable in such systems as a consequence of the finite speed of pulse propagation [7]. In this letter we demonstrate that the pulsatile and delayed nature of interactions may lead to novel and unusual phenomena in a large class of systems. In particular, we explore oscillatory systems with pulsatile delayed feedback which exhibit periodic regular spiking (RS). We show that this RS regime may destabilize via a scenario in which a variety of higher-periodical regimes with non-equal interspike intervals (ISIs) emerge simultaneously. The number of the emergent, so-called "jittering" regimes grows exponentially as the delay increases. Therefore we adopt the term "multi-jitter" bifurcation.Usually, the simultaneous emergence of many different regimes is a sign of degeneracy and it is expected to occur generically only when additional symmetries are present [2,8].However, for the class of systems treated here no such symmetry is apparent. Nevertheless, the phenomenon can be reliably observed when just a single parameter, for example the delay, is varied. This means that the observed bifurcation has codimension one [9]. In addition to the theoretical analysis of a simple paradigmatic model, we provide numerical evidence for the occurrence of the multi-jitter bifurcation in a realistic neuronal model, as well as an experimental confirmation in an electronic circuit.As a universal and simplest oscillatory spiking model in the absence of the feedback, we consider the phase oscillator dϕ/dt = ω, where ϕ ∈ R ( mod 1), and ω = 1 without loss of generality. When the oscillator reaches ϕ = 1 at some moment t, the phase is reset to zero and the oscillator produces a pulse signal. If this signal is sent into a delayed feedback loop [ Fig. 1(a)] the emitted pulses affect the oscillator after a delay τ at the time instant t * = t+τ . When the pulse is received, the phase of the oscillator undergoes an instantaneous shift by an amount ∆ϕ = Z(ϕ(t * − 0)), where Z(ϕ) is the phase resetting curve (PRC).Thus, the dynamics of the oscillator can be describ...