“…Sense making as a personal phenomenon is also closely connected with social factors because one's personal experience is intertwined with that of others, and with culture and community (Golder & Huberman, ). Therefore, multiple individuals' personomies constitute a folksonomy , a combination of folk and taxonomy (Catutto et al, ; Chevalier, Dattolo, Hubert, & Pitassi, ; Ferrara & Tasso, ; Hotho et al, , ; Jäschke, Marinho, Hotho, Schmidt‐Thieme, & Stumme, ; Kim et al, ; Schmitz, Hotho, Jäschke, & Stumme, ; Specia & Motta, ; Zhang et al, ). Folksonomy is “a neologism for a practice of collaborative categorization using freely chosen keywords” (Wikipedia, ).…”