The infotaxis scheme is a search strategy for a diffusive source, where the sensor platform is driven to reduce the uncertainty about the source through climbing the information gradient. The infotaxis scheme has been successfully applied in many source searching tasks and has demonstrated fast and stable searching capabilities. However, the infotaxis scheme focuses on gathering information to reduce the uncertainty down to zero, rather than chasing the most probable estimated source when a reliable estimation is obtained. This leads the sensor to spend more time exploring the space and yields a longer search path. In this paper, from the context of exploration-exploitation balance, a novel search scheme based on minimizing free energy that combines the entropy and the potential energy is proposed. The term entropy is implemented as the exploration to gather more information. The term potential energy, leveraging the distance to the estimated sources, is implemented as the exploitation to reinforce the chasing behavior with the receding of the uncertainty. It results in a faster effective search strategy by which the sensor determines its actions by minimizing the free energy rather than only the entropy in traditional infotaxis. Simulations of the source search task based on the computational plume verify the efficiency of the proposed strategy, achieving a shorter mean search time.