This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of business and financial specific regulations on banks in the EU-27 over the 2004-2010 periods. We employ for the first time in the banking literature a unique dataset of a wide range of regulation indices from the "Doing Business" project of the World Bank. Results for the credit regulation indices show that the strength of creditor rights is negatively related to bank performance as measured by cost efficiency, although this effect becomes less resilient during the recent crisis period (2008)(2009)(2010). On the other hand, credit information sharing improves performance, a result that is further magnified during the crisis. Tax-compliance costs and entry regulation constrain bank performance. More stringent regulation of labour, in terms of minimum wage and dismissal costs, and insolvency regulation are positively associated with performance. Furthermore, regulation that protects investors from management expropriation, such as the extent of director liability, exerts a positive impact on bank performance and more so in the crisis years. Finally, we use interaction terms between the business regulation variables and institutional quality as measured by the rule of law and corruption. Results show that there are cases that institutional quality influences positively or negatively the individual effects of specific types of business regulation on bank performance.Keywords: regulation of business; bank performance; European Union.
JEL Classification: G21, G281 Professor of Finance, School of Business, Management and Economics, University of Sussex, Jubilee Building, Brighton, BN1 9SL, United Kingdom.2 School of Business, Management and Economics, University of Sussex, Jubilee Building, Brighton, BN1 9SL, United Kingdom. Corresponding author: Emmanuel Mamatzakis,
1. IntroductionBusiness regulations are central to policy making as setting them right would foster competitiveness and boost economic growth, whereas excess regulation could prove harmful to the economy. Another important focal point of policy makers is the performance of the banking sector, as this is of major significance to the well-functioning of financial markets in particular and the economy in general. Moreover, the recent financial crisis demonstrated that poor bank performance asserts a negative effect on the overall economy due to the systemic financial stability implications and credit constraints. Given the prominence of both regulation and bank performance is not surprising that there has been an extensive literature (Demirgüç-Kunt and Detragiache 1998, Barth et al., 2004;Beck et al., 2006; Pasiouras, 2008; Pasiouras et al., 2009;Barth et al. 2010; Delis et al., 2011, Delis and Staikouras, 2011) 2 , in particular regarding bank specific regulation. However, to the best of our knowledge the impact of wider regulations that could affect the day-to-day bank operations has not been examined. To this end, we fill a gap by studying the impact that ...