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Documents inThe authors show that this result for developing countries partly depends on the "country ceiling effect"-private ratings are bound upwards by their sovereign rating-but in these countries idiosyncratic information is irrelevant even for firms whose rating would lie anyhow well below their sovereign. They also document that the information content of firm ratings is much smaller in developing countries than in developed countries. Finally, the paper suggests that cross-country indicators of information quality, rule of law and other institutional quality indicators help explain this unsatisfactory situation but do not solve the puzzle entirely.
ADB Institute Research Paper SeriesNo. 26
PREFACEThe ADB Institute aims to explore the most appropriate development paradigms for Asia composed of well-balanced combinations of the roles of markets, institutions, and governments in the post-crisis period.Under this broad research project on development paradigms, the ADB Institute Research Paper Series will contribute to disseminating works -in-progress as a building block of the project and will invite comments and questions.I trust that this series will provoke constructive discussions among policymakers as well as researchers about where Asian economies should go from the last crisis and current recovery.
Masaru Yoshitomi
ADB Institute
ABSTRACTWhat is the relative contribution of sovereign risks and firm-level credit risks in a firm's rating assignment? Or, stated otherwise, what is the information content of these components in a firm's rating? This paper intends to examine this issue, which has not been adequately addressed so far, using a tailor-made firm-level database, matching sovereign and firm ratings with firm performance indicators reportedly used by rating agencies. The paper decomposes factors contributing to a firm's credit rating by measuring each factor's relative weight. By matching a firm's credit risk indicators with its corresponding sovereign risk, we are able to disentangle the relative importance of each factor in a firm's rating assignment.We make three contributions. First, our findings ...