Members of the family Cyperaceae were surveyed by original observation and from the literature to assess the distribution of C 3 and C 4 photosynthetic pathways in the family. All 107 genera were included in the current sample, with 91 genera assessed as consistently C 3 and 11 genera as C 4 . The genera Abildgaardia, Cyperus, Eleocharis, Fimbristylis, and Rhynchospora are variable for this trait. Of the total number (1474) of specific (1406) and infraspecific (68) taxa sampled, 938 taxa (63%) are C 3 , 527 taxa (36%) are C 4 , and nine species of Eleocharis are debatably intermediate or variable in pathway. Some data suggesting further infrageneric variation in photosynthetic pathways are discussed. The ''one cell distant criterion'' accurately predicts C 4 pathway in sedges, except in Eleocharis. Distribution and variability of photosynthetic pathways in Eleocharis are discussed. Photosynthetic pathway was found to be a useful taxonomic marker in Cyperaceae, despite variability in this trait at various taxonomic levels and the apparently multiple origin of C 4 photosynthesis within the family. A checklist of 3395 records of C 3 and C 4 sedges is presented.