In order to study the dynamic structure factor of hydrogen fluoride and its water solutions, we have realized a sample container able to resist these highly reacting hydrogen-bonded liquids and suitable for near-forward x-ray scattering experiments. The design and development of each part of the apparatus together with a discussion on the choice of the materials is reported. Two cells have been built for pure HF and for (HF)x(H2O)1−x solutions based on similar schemes but developed with different materials and some structural variations. Their contribution to the total scattered intensity has been measured. An example of inelastic x-ray scattering spectra at fixed temperature (T=283K) and momentum transfer (Q=4nm−1) is reported as a function of the concentration of hydrogen fluoride [(HF)x(H2O)1−x,with x=0,0.2,0.4,0.73,1].