“…As expected, rats that showed conditioned behavioral responding (Paired, IP AMPH) also showed conditioned increases in c-Fos expression in the NAcc shell (Figure 3c; one-way ANOVA, c-Fos/NeuN, % Control; F 2, 10 = 5.18, po0.05; Scheffé post hoc, Paired (264.25 ± 30.88 cells/rat) vs Unpaired (180.60 ± 16.17 cells/rat) or Control (216.50 ± 25.91 cells/rat), po0.05). This effect was not expected nor was it observed in the NAcc core (data not shown; one-way ANOVA, c-Fos/NeuN, F 2, 23 = 0.57, NS) as contextual stimuli are processed in the NAcc shell and not the NAcc core (Cruz et al, 2014a;Singer et al, 2014aSinger et al, , 2014b. Importantly, Paired rats that previously received intra-VTA amphetamine displayed neither conditioned locomotion nor increases in c-Fos expression in the NAcc shell (Figure 3d; one-way ANOVA, c-Fos/NeuN, % Control; F 2, 14 = 0.18, NS; Paired (590.33 ± 58.72 cells/rat), Unpaired (676.00 ± 62.73 cells/rat), Control (575.50 ± 44.76 cells/rat)).…”