Os flavonóides kaempherol, genisteína, naringenina, quercetina, morina, rutina, e quercitrina isolados do cultivar de soja UFV-5' foram testados como inibidores de aldose redutase. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando morina e quercitrina.The flavonoids kaempherol, genistein, naringenin, quercetin, morin, rutin and quercitrin iso lated from UFV-5'soybean's cultivars were tested as in hib i tors of aldose reductase. The best re sults were ob tained by us ing morin and quercitrin.
Key words: flavonoids, soy bean, aldose reductase
In tro duc tionFlavonoids that are pres ent in higher plants, mainly legu mi nous, have aroused in ter est be cause of their in hib i tory ac tion on aldose reductase 1,2,3 . Aldose reductase ca tal y ses the re duc tion of glu cose and galactose, pro duc ing sorbitol and dulcitol re spec tively, us ing NADH as a co-factor 4 . This en zyme has been found in many an i mal tis sues, such as the ret ina, blood, the cor nea, the sci atic nerve, the liver, kidneys and sperm.The ex ces sive pres ence of sorbitol in di a betic rats and hu mans causes the for ma tion of cat a racts 2,5,6 . A sim i lar result was also ob served by the pres ence of dulcitol in the lenses of rats main tained on a diet rich in galactose 7 . In the lenses of di a betic rats the con tent of sorbitol may be as high as 50 µmol/g, while in the lenses of galactosemic rats, the level of dulcitol can rise to ap prox i mately 80 µmol/g wet weight tis sue 4 . It has been dem on strated that cat a ract forma tion ceases un der the sys temic ad min is tra tion of aldose reductase in hib i tors 7,8 . In or der to solve this prob lem several com pounds have been tested 6,8,9,10 , be sides flavonoids 1,3 . The pur pose of the pres ent study is to iso late, pu rify and iden tify flavonoidic com pounds of the UFV-5' soy bean's cultivar, as well as to test their in hib i tory ac tion in aldose reductase in vi tro .
Ma te rial and MethodsThe flavonoids kaempherol (I), genistein (II), quercetin (III), naringenin (IV), morin (V), rutin (VI) and quercitrin (VIII) were ex tracted from the UFV-5'soybean's cultivar, fol low ing Hardin's tech nique 11 . The sam ple was heated in a bath-water with ace tic acid for 10 min, and then fil tered. The fil trate was treated with HCl 1 N for one hour, and then ex tracted with an hy drous ethyl ether which was evap o rated giv ing a res i due con tain ing flavonoidic com po nents isolated by chro ma tog ra phy.Ar ti cle