After presentation of a peripheral cue, a subsequent saccade to the cued location is delayed (inhibition of return; IOR). Furthermore, saccades typically deviate away from the cued location. The present study examined the relationship between these inhibitory effects. IOR and saccade trajectory deviations were found after central (endogenous) and peripheral (exogenous) cuing of attention, and both effects were larger with an onset cue than with a color singleton cue. However, a dissociation in time course was found between IOR and saccade trajectory deviations. Saccade trajectory deviations occurred at short delays between the cue and the saccade, but IOR was found at longer delays. A model is proposed in which IOR is caused by inhibition applied to a preoculomotor attentional map, whereas saccade trajectory deviations are caused by inhibition applied to the saccade map, in which the final stage of oculomotor programming takes place.When observers view a visual scene, they typically make rapid eye movements (saccades) to stimuli in the visual scene that are of interest while avoiding saccades to irrelevant stimuli. Inhibitory mechanisms play an important role in the control of saccades. That is, to avoid executing a saccade to an irrelevant stimulus, a saccade to its location must be inhibited.One well-documented effect in the literature that has been associated with inhibitory control is inhibition of return (IOR; Posner & Cohen, 1984). In a typical IOR study, a cue, such as a task-irrelevant luminance increment, is presented in the periphery and after a varying stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), a target is presented at the cued or uncued location. IOR is measured as slower response times (manual or oculomotor) when the target is presented at the cued location than when it is presented at an uncued location. When examining IOR it is important to distinguish between its cause and its effect (see , 2000. The cause is associated with the processes occurring on presentation of the cue, whereas its effects are measured by responses to a target, presented at the cued location or at an uncued location. A great deal of research has shown that after IOR has been generated, it affects both manual keypress responses (e.g., Lupiáñez, Milán, Tornay, Madrid, & Tudela, 1997;Posner & Cohen, 1984;Pratt, Kingstone, & Khoe, 1997;Rafal, Calabresi, Brennan, & Sciolto, 1989) and oculomotor responses (e.g., Abrams & Dobkin, 1994;Godijn & Theeuwes, 2002a;Klein & MacInnes, 1999;Rafal, Egly, & Rhodes, 1994).Although the cause of IOR is still under debate, there is converging evidence from behavioral and neuropsychological studies suggesting that the cause of IOR is related to eye movement programming. Rafal et al. (1989) were the first to provide clear evidence for the critical role of the oculomotor system in the generation of IOR. In their study IOR was examined under conditions of peripheral (exogenous) and central (endogenous) cuing and with varying instructions associated with the cue. Peripheral cues were luminance increments of on...