BUŇKOVÁ, L., PLEVA, P., BUŇKA, F., VALÁŠEK, P., KRÁČMAR, S.: Antibacterial eff ects of commercially available phosphates on selected microorganisms. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2008, LVI, No. 5, pp. 19-24 In the food industry, phosphates, polyphosphates and their salts are used, for example, as emul sifying agents in the production of processed cheese. The inhibitory eff ects of three commercially availa ble phosphates and polyphosphates diff ering in their chain length (690, S9 and HBS) were tested on a set of 15 gram-positive or gram-negative CCM (Czech Collection of Microorganisms) strains and on 12 bacterial strains isolated from processed cheeses. Five diff erent concentrations of each phosphate were chosen (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5% w/v) in order to observe the inhibitory eff ects of the phosphate salts on the growth of the microorganisms tested. Sensitivity of the individual bacterial strains to phosphates was observed of a liquid cultivation medium which was supplemented with applied salts. Subsequently, the growth in cells was determined by measuring optical density at a wavelength of 600 nm. According to the results, 690 and S9 phosphates, containing mainly orthophosphates, diphosphates (pyrophosphates) and short-chain polyphosphates, do not have a signifi cant inhibitory eff ect on the growth of the tested bacteria. Signifi cant inhibitory eff ects were observed only in HBS salt (a mixture of long-chain polyphosphates), which showed antibacterial eff ects on all gram-positive bacteria tested (both the CCM strains and those isolated from processed cheeses). The antibacterial eff ect of phosphates on gram-positive microorganisms is growing with the increasing length of the polyphosphate chain. This study has not proved a signifi cant eff ect of the phosphates tested on the growth of gram-negative bacteria used. phosphate, polyphosphate, microorganisms, antibacterial eff ect Address Mgr.