We used optical imaging of voltage-sensitive dye signals to study the spatiotemporal spread of activity in the mouse barrel cortex, evoked by stimulation of thalamocortical afferents in an in vitro slice preparation. Stimulation of the thalamus, at low current intensity, results in activity largely restricted to a single barrel, and to the border between layers Vb and VI. Low concentrations of the GABA A receptor antagonist bicuculline increase the amplitude of the optical signals, without affecting their spatiotemporal propagation. Higher concentrations of bicuculline result in paroxysmal activity, which propagates via intracolumnar and intercolumnar excitatory pathways. Enhancing the activity of NMDA receptors, by removing Mg 2ϩ from the extracellular solution, dramatically alters the spatiotemporal pattern of excitation: activity spreads to supragranular and infragranular layers and adjacent barrel columns. This enhanced propagation is suppressed by the NMDA receptor antagonist AP5. A similar enhancement of activity propagation can be produced by stimulating the thalamus with a short, high-frequency pulse train. Application of AP5 suppresses the frequency-dependent spread of activity. These findings indicate that the spatiotemporal spread of activity in the barrel cortex is altered by varying the temporal patterns of thalamic inputs, via an NMDA receptor-mediated mechanism, and suggest that a similar process occurs during repetitive whisking activity.
Key words: somatosensory cortex; voltage-sensitive dyes; glutamate; NMDA; GABA; epilepsy; temporal coding; mouseProcessing of sensory information in the cerebral cortex can be described as a hierarchical process, in which inputs from "specific" thalamic nuclei are integrated by their postsynaptic cortical targets, which, in turn, provide inputs to neurons in other layers of the same functional column and subsequently to adjacent columns (Gilbert, 1992;Keller, 1995;Rauschecker et al., 1997). Although this hierarchical scheme is oversimplified in that it omits factors such as parallel processing and feedback interactions, it is thought to faithfully represent at least the initial stages of cortical sensory processing (Stone et al., 1979;Felleman and Van Essen, 1991;Iwamura, 1993).To understand the mechanisms underlying cortical sensory processing, it is necessary to determine how thalamic inputs are integrated by their postsynaptic cortical neurons and propagated via intracolumnar and intercolumnar cortical pathways. This requires methods to identify discrete functional columns and to reveal the spatiotemporal propagation of thalamic inputs within and among these columns. In the present study we took advantage of a functional imaging approach (see Orbach and Cohen, 1983;Cinelli and Salzberg, 1987;Yuste et al., 1997;Keller et al., 1998) to investigate intracortical processing of thalamic inputs in the somatosensory cortex and its modulation by glutamatergic and GABAergic processes.The somatosensory cortex of certain rodent species contains representations of the my...