The present study describes the time-loss injuries among female and male athletes
of the Spanish rink hockey league during the 2021/22 season.We performed a retrospective cohort study on time-loss injuries, whereby the
athlete is prevented from participating in a training session or game because of
the injury.A total of 463 athletes were included, with 326 (70.4%) senior male and
137 (29.6%) female. Two hundred and eighty-two time-loss injuries were
recorded, the most common form being muscle injuries (112 episodes,
39.7%), especially those affecting the hip adductor muscles (52
episodes, 46.4% of muscle injuries). Most injuries were classified as
mild (1–7 days of time-loss) and the median return-to-play was 9.5 days
(range 1–180).Injury patterns were compared according to gender, position and moment: the
results showed significant differences between senior males and females, between
field players and goalkeepers, as well as between training and game, in terms of
injury nature and type. The injury incidence proportion was significantly higher
for field players compared to goalkeepers), and senior males had a significantly
higher risk than senior females.The present study provides a starting point for studying and preventing injuries
in rink hockey athletes.