We examined the mechanical response of the distal radius pre-fracture and at fracture under dynamic impact loads. The distal third of eight human cadaveric radii were potted and placed in a custom designed pneumatic impact system. The distal intraarticular surface of the radius rested against a model scaphoid and lunate, simulating 458 of wrist extension. The scaphoid and lunate were attached to a load cell that in turn was attached to an impact plate. Impulsive impacts were applied at increasing energy levels, in 10 J increments, until fracture occurred. Three 458 stacked strain gauge rosettes were affixed along the length of the radius quantifying the bone strains. The mean (SD) fracture energy was 45.5 (16) J. The mean (SD) resultant impact reaction force (IRFr) at failure was 2,142 (1,229) N, resulting in high compressive strains at the distal (2,718 (1,698) me) and proximal radius (3,664 (1,890) me). We successfully reproduced consistent fracture patterns in response to dynamic loads. The fracture energy and forces reported here are lower and the strains are higher than those previously reported and can likely be attributed to the controlled, incremental, dynamic nature of the applied loads. Keywords: radius; impact; fracture; forward fall; injury criteriaThe distal radius is a common fracture site, often resulting from a forward fall. Nevitt and Cummings 1 reported that, of 337 forward falls, 39% resulted in a wrist fracture, with more than 60% requiring some form of surgical intervention. 2,3 This has lead to these injuries being identified as a major health problem, 4 and the World Health Organization has listed fracture prevention among healthcare priorities. 5 Nonetheless, fracture frequency remains high ($164,000 emergency room visits/year from 1991 to 2009 in the US alone 6 ), and researchers have been unable to determine optimal treatment strategies for various patterns and severities of wrist fractures. 7 Although general consensus exists regarding risk factors for distal radius fractures, 8 prevention of these injuries requires a more thorough understanding of the injury mechanisms. The injury mechanism is one of the most important elements of the history, 7 as this information can help discern the degree of damage to the bone and the surrounding soft tissues. Beardley et al. 9 identified the importance of understanding the energy involved in a fracture as it generally determines the degree of comminution, thus affecting the treatment protocol.An accurate understanding of the injury mechanisms (e.g., kinetic energy involved and direction of loading) can be accomplished by improving our knowledge of the input parameters and the bones' response to dynamic loading through valid laboratory studies. 10 Many researchers mechanically loaded human cadaver specimens to determine the maximal strength of the distal radius, 10-22 but methodological inconsistencies have led to variability in results. Researchers studied the response to dynamic impact loads 10,[17][18][19] to better simulate real-worl...