This study aims to examine the functional morphology of the proventriculus of the broad breasted white turkey (BBWT) (Meleagris gallopavo, Linnaeus 1758) using gross anatomy, light microscopy, gross/histomorphometric analysis, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The proventriculus was characterized internally by many elevated papillae with a mound, leafy flower, and lotus flower‐shapes. Each papilla was enclosed by concentrically organized mucosal folds with distinct or indistinct proventricular gland openings on its top. Longitudinal folds and grooves at the junction of the proventriculus with the esophagus exhibited various sized and shaped openings of esophageal glands with irregular outlines. Histologically, the surface epithelium of the proventriculus was covered by a thin layer of cuticle, particularly evident at its junction with the gizzard. The lamina epithelialis and propria, and secretory units of proventricular lobules were infiltrated by aggregations of lymphocytes and lymphoid follicles (nodules). Variably shaped glandular lobules of proventricular glands occupied the submucosa, surrounded by thin strands of smooth muscle fibers derived from muscularis mucosa. Triangular, cuboidal, or columnar‐shaped secretory oxyntico‐peptic cells lined the secretory units. Many telocytes (pyramidal or fusiform‐shaped cell bodies with lengthy telopodes) were observed in interstitial tissue. Further, two types of argyrophilic endocrine cells were identified within the glandular epithelium. The morphology of the M. gallopavo proventriculus reflects its dietary habits and behavior.