It is important to promote interaction in university teaching, both in face-to-face and online teaching, because it contributes to the acquisition of knowledge, promotes participation and encourages student involvement. In online synchronous classes the tutor plans video calls and can interact with students following similar guidelines to those used in face-to-face teaching, but can he do so in asynchronous teaching? There are technologies that allow it like Edpuzzle and H5P and in this contribution we will focus on its study. For this we have consulted 60 professors and teachers who have experienced it and we have asked them what advantages and disadvantages they find. The testimonies collected show a high satisfaction of the people who approach these technologies and their great potential to promote interaction in teaching. The results reveal that video interaction technologies are an innovative, enjoyable, dynamic, attractive and playful self-learning tool that favours the motivation and attention of students, promotes flipped classroom and is easy to use by professors, among others. The experiences developed in this regard allow us to conclude that technologies for interaction in asynchronous teaching via video allow professors to interact with students when they are learning alone, adding value to their own or others' graphic material to be used.