ABSTRACT-L-158,809 is a new angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist. We simultaneously assessed its antagonistic potency and cardiovascular effects with the halothane-anesthetized in vivo canine model (n = 5). L-158,809 was intravenously infused over 10 min at escalating doses of 0.03, 0.3 and 3 mg /kg. Angiotensin II (0.1 mg/kg, i.v.)-induced vasopressor and negative inotropic responses were significantly suppressed from the low dose L-158,809. Meanwhile, L-158,809 did not affect any of the cardiovascular parameters except that QTc was slightly shortened after the high dose administration. These results support the previous in vitro knowledge that L-158,809 is a highly selective angiotensin II receptor antagonist.Keywords: L-158,809, Angiotensin II, QT interval L-158,809 is a highly selective angiotensin II type 1 (AT 1 ) receptor antagonist whose affinity for AT 1 receptor has been shown to be greater than the existing angiotensin II receptor antagonists (1). Indeed, the affinity of L-158,809 for AT1 receptors is similar to that of angiotensin II itself (1). Moreover, a recent experimental study (2) has shown that L-158,809 attenuates early left ventricular remodeling during canine myocardial infarction. However, information is still limited regarding the relationship between the doses of L-158,809 that block angiotensin II receptor and those that affect the cardiovascular variables. In this study, we simultaneously assessed the in vivo angiotensin II receptor blocking action and cardiovascular effects of L-158,809, using the halothane-anesthetized, closedchest canine model (3 -5).All experiments were performed according to Guidelines for Animal Experiments, Yamanashi Medical University. Experiments were carried out using beagle dogs weighing approximately 10 kg. The animals had been fed with about 240 g /day of standard dog foods (CD-55a; CLEA Japan, Tokyo) containing 0.41 g /100 g of NaCl for >1 month in the Animal Laboratory for Research of Yamanashi Medical University. Dogs were anesthetized initially with thiopental sodium (30 mg /kg, i.v.). After intubation, 1.0% halothane vaporized with 100% oxygen was inhaled with a ventilator (SN-480-3; Shinano, Tokyo). Tidal volume and respiratory rate were set at 20 ml /kg and 15 strokes /min, respectively. To prevent blood clotting, heparin calcium (100 IU /kg) was intravenously administered.The surface lead II ECG was obtained from the limb electrodes. Corrected QT interval (QTc) was obtained using Bazett's formula (6). The systemic blood pressure was measured at the left femoral artery. A thermodilution catheter (TC-704; Nihon Kohden, Tokyo) was positioned at the right side of the heart through the right femoral vein. The cardiac output was measured by a standard thermodilution method using a cardiac output computer (MFC-1100, Nihon Kohden). The total peripheral vascular resistance (TPR) was calculated using the following basic equation: TPR = mean blood pressure / cardiac output. A quad-polar electrodes catheter was positioned at the non-coronary cusp of the a...