Sabine (2017) Increasing water intake in pre-school children with unhealthy drinking habits: a year-long controlled longitudinal field experiment assessing the impact of information, water affordance, and social regulation. Appetite, 116 . pp. 205-214. ISSN 0195-6663 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2017 Reuse of this item is permitted through licensing under the Creative Commons: Changing Children's Water Intake 1 Franks, B., Lahlou, S., Bottin, J. H., Guelinckx, I., & Boesen-Mariani, S. (2017). Increasing water intake in pre-school children with unhealthy drinking habits: a year-long controlled longitudinal field experiment assessing the impact of information, water affordance, and social regulation. Appetite, (116), 205-214. Increasing water intake in pre-school children with unhealthy drinking habits: a year-long controlled longitudinal field experiment assessing the impact of information, water affordance, and social regulation or no further intervention (-SOCIAL). Intake of plain water and all other fluid types of the children were recorded by the carers 6 times over a year using an online 7-day fluid-specific dietary record.Results: Over 1 year, all groups significantly increased water consumption by 3.0 to 7.8 times (+118 to +222 mL). INFO+W+SOCIAL and INFO-SOCIAL generated the highest increase in plain water intake after one year compared to baseline, by 7.8 times (+216 mL) and 6.7 times (+222 mL) respectively; both significantly exceeded the CONTROL (3.0 times, +118 mL), whilst the effect of INFO+W-SOCIAL (5.0 times, +158 mL) and INFO+SOCIAL (5.3 times, +198 mL) did not differ from Changing Children's Water Intake 2 that of CONTROL. All groups saw a decrease of sweetened beverages intake, again with INFO+W+SOCIAL generating the largest decrease (-27%; -172 mL). No changes in other fluids or total fluid intake were observed.Conclusions: Sustainable increased water consumption can be achieved in children with unhealthy drinking habits by influencing representations, changing material affordances, and providing social regulation. Combining the three provided the strongest effect as predicted by Installation Theory.