reactions often have multiple pathways, the control of
which is of fundamental and practical importance. In this Letter,
we examine the dynamics of the O + HO2 → OH + O2 reaction, which plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry,
using quasi-classical trajectories on a recently developed full-dimensional
potential energy surface (PES). This reaction has two pathways leading
to the same products: the H abstraction pathway (Oa + HObOc → OaH + ObOc) and the O abstraction pathway (Oa + HObOc → ObH + OaOc). Under thermal conditions, the reaction is dominated by the latter
channel, which is barrierless, leading to vibrational excitation of
the O2 product. However, we demonstrate that excitation
of the HO2 reactant in its O–H (v
1) vibrational mode results in dramatic switching of the
reaction pathway to the activated H abstraction channel, which leads
to a highly excited OH product vibrational state distribution. The
implications of such dynamical effects in the atmospheric chemistry
are discussed.