Motile bacteria follow gradients of attractant and repellent chemicals with high sensitivity. Their chemoreceptors are physically clustered, which may enable them to function as a cooperative array. Although native chemoreceptor molecules are typically transmembrane homodimers, they appear to associate through their cytoplasmic tips to form trimers of dimers, which may be an important architectural element in the assembly and operation of receptor clusters. The five receptors of Escherichia coli that mediate most of its chemotactic and aerotactic behaviors have identical trimer contact residues and have been shown by in vivo crosslinking methods to form mixed trimers of dimers. Mutations at the trimer contact sites of Tsr, the serine chemoreceptor, invariably abrogate Tsr function, but some of those lesions (designated Tsr*) are epistatic and block the function of heterologous chemoreceptors. We isolated and characterized mutations (designated Tar ∧ ) in the aspartate chemoreceptor that restored function to Tsr* receptors. The suppressors arose at or near the Tar trimer contact sites and acted in an allele-specific fashion on Tsr* partners. Alone, many Tar ∧ receptors were unable to mediate chemotactic responses to aspartate, but all formed clusters with varying efficiencies. Most of those Tar ∧ receptors were epistatic to WT Tsr, but some regained Tar function in combination with a suppressible Tsr* partner. Tar ∧ -Tsr* suppression most likely occurs through compensatory changes in the conformation or dynamics of a mixed receptor signaling complex, presumably based on trimer-of-dimer interactions. These collaborative teams may be responsible for the high-gain signaling properties of bacterial chemoreceptors.chemotaxis ͉ epistasis ͉ receptor clustering ͉ signaling teams ͉ trimers of dimers M otile bacteria such as Escherichia coli track chemical gradients with extraordinary sensitivity. Their chemotactic behaviors provide good models for exploring the molecular mechanisms of stimulus detection and signal amplification in biological systems. The principal chemoreceptors in bacteria are known as methylaccepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs). E. coli has four transmembrane MCPs that monitor attractant and repellent concentrations by means of external ligand-binding domains and communicate with the flagellar motors through highly conserved cytoplasmic signaling domains (1). MCPs form signaling complexes with CheA, a histidine autokinase, and CheW, which couples CheA to chemoreceptor control. Changes in receptor ligand occupancy modulate CheA activity to control the phosphorylation states of two response regulators: CheY, which modulates motor rotation, and CheB, which modulates MCP methylation state to adjust the receptor's detection range to match ambient chemoeffector levels (see refs. 2 and 3 for recent reviews). In the micromolar attractant range, MCPs can sense concentration changes as small as 0.1% and trigger large fractional changes in motor rotational bias, corresponding to a signal gain of Ϸ50-fold (4, 5). Mu...