Contact resistance measurements are reported for radio frequency microelectromechanical system switches operating in an ultrahigh vacuum system equipped with in situ oxygen plasma cleaning capabilities. Ru-based contacts were prepared by means of standard sputtering techniques, sputtering followed by postdeposition oxidation, ͑surface RuO 2 ͒ or reactive sputtering in the presence of oxygen ͑bulk RuO 2 ͒. In situ oxygen plasma cleaning lowered the resistance of Ru contacts by two or more orders of magnitude but not lower than Au contacts, irrespective of whether the Au contacts were cleaned. The time dependence of the resistance was fit to power law extrapolations to infer contact creep properties and resistance values at t = ϱ. Time-dependent creep properties of mixed Au-Ru contacts were observed to be similar to those of Au-Au contacts, while the absolute value of the resistance of such contacts was more comparable to Ru-Ru contacts. Prior to, and for short oxygen plasma exposure times, bulk RuO 2 resistance values exhibited much larger variations than values measured for surface RuO 2 . For O 2 plasma exposure times exceeding about 5 min, the bulk and surface RuO 2 resistance values converged, at both t = 0 and t = ϱ, with the t = ϱ values falling within experimental error of theoretical values predicted for ideal surfaces. The data strongly support prior reports in the surface science literature of oxygen plasma induced thickening of oxide layers present on Ru surfaces. In addition, they demonstrate that vacuum alone is insufficient to remove contaminants from the contact surfaces and/or prevent such contaminants from reforming after oxygen plasma exposure.