AbstrakPrevalensi eksaserbasi asma alergi semakin mengalami peningkatan. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk dapat menurunkannya, antara lain dengan latihan pernapasan diafragma dan incentive spirometry, namun, perbandingan efektivitas kedua latihan masih belum jelas. Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan efektivitas kedua latihan tersebut. September-December 2012). Twenty female, aged 26−40 years, partially controlled bronchial asthma allergic patients who consented for this study were divided into 2 groups. Each group was given incentive spirometry and diaphragm breathing exercise for 8 weeks. Before and after treatment lung function with forced expiratory volume in 1 second -FEV1, functional capacity with walking distance (6 minute walking test) and quality of life (St George's Respiratory Questionnaire-SGRQ) were assessed. The characteristics of the subjects were normally distributed and homogeneous. Independent T test results showed incentive spirometry compared to diaphragm breathing exercise was more effective in improving FEV1 (6.19±2.63 vs 0.40±0.33% predicted), walking distance (229.07±21.84 vs 140.69±16.91 m), and SGRQ (total value 1,036.51±341.14 vs 360.09 ±182.10). In conclusion, incentive spirometry is more effective in improving lung function, functional capacity, and quality of life compared to diaphragm breathing exercises in patients with allergic bronchial asthma. [MKB. 2014;46(1):39-47]