Winter spelt (Triticum spelta) has good potential for organic farming and complex processing to obtain functional prod-ucts and ethanol.Unlike common wheat, spelt is undemanding to growing conditions, as it grows on infertile soils and is stress-resistant to cold and moisture. Due to its dietary properties and good taste, it is of great demand among food consumers.The analysis of the latest research and publications showed that the issues of a comprehensive study of spelt regarding its origin, selection, cultivation in organic farming conditions, nutritional properties of products based on it and possibilities of use in other industries require detailed study.The problem of using domestic varieties of spelt in ethanol biotechnology remains unsolved since the starch content is lower than in other grain crops and does not provide the standard yield of the target product.The work aims to study the effect of two types of spelt on the technological parameters of alcohol mash under the low-temperature hydroenzymatic processing of raw grain material.We proposed to carry out low-temperature hydrofermentative processing of the grinding of two types of spelt «Zoria Ukrainy» and «Yevropa», with the participation of complexes of enzyme preparations of amylolytic, glucoamylase, cellulolytic and proteolytic action. The effectiveness of their action is determined by the rheological indicators of spelt wort and the tech-nological indicators of alcohol mash.The research results showed that the indicators of alcoholic mash obtained from spelt of the «Yevropa» variety are better than from the «Zoria Ukrainy» variety since 11% more ethanol is accumulated, the content of alcohol-soluble carbohydrates, dextrins, and undissolved starch decreases by 35-40%, and yeast biomass decreases by 17%