We investigate interactions between branes of various dimensions, both charged and uncharged, in three non-supersymmetric string models. These include the USp(32) and U(32) orientifold projections of the type IIB and type 0B strings, as well as the SO(16)×SO(16) projection of the exceptional heterotic string. The resulting ten-dimensional spectra are free of tachyons, and the combinations of branes that they contain give rise to rich and varied dynamics. We compute static potentials for parallel stacks of branes in three complementary regimes: the probe regime, in which one of the two stacks is parametrically heavier than the other, the string-amplitude regime, in which both stacks are light, and the holographic regime. Whenever comparisons are possible, we find qualitative agreement despite the absence of supersymmetry. For charged branes, our analysis reveals that the Weak Gravity Conjecture is satisfied in a novel way via a renormalization of the effective charge-to-tension ratio.