espite the significant contribution of events in tourism and development of urban areas, the cocreation aspects of street events appear to be under searched in the literature. Athens Pride is one of the largest street events in Athens and it aims to promote and support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer issues (LGBT+) in the greater Athens area, Greece. Using a sample of 312 Athens Pride adult attendees and employing linear analysis, this study focuses on the aspects that form this street event’s co-creation. The findings reveal that participation incentives and emotional closeness are the main factors in order to formulate and strengthen event co-creation, followed by the community commitment and the brand image of the event. In addition, the study showcases the importance of three socio-demographics (age; level of education; sexual orientation) upon event co-creation. The research also provides managerial suggestions for event organisers in order to further strengthen street event co-creation and the experience of their attendees.