“…Much research in institutional economics, such as the work on national innovation systems (Lundvall, ), and varieties of capitalism (Hall & Soskice, ; Hall & Thelen, ), shows that the emergence and evolution of certain industries in space depend on the configuration of the national institutional framework (Grillitsch & Rekers, ). Economic geographers, on the other hand, have developed a considerable body of work looking at the impact of local and regional institutions on regional development (e.g., Amin & Thrift, ; Storper, ; Tödtling & Trippl, ; Farole et al, ; Rodríguez‐Pose, ; Zukauskaite et al, ), including foci on regional innovation systems (Asheim & Coenen, ; Cooke et al, ; Isaksen et al, ), regional clusters (Maskell & Malmberg, ; Saxenian, ), and regional competitiveness (Beer & Lester, ). Previous work has highlighted that institutions condition, enable, and constrain the economic vitality and innovation capacity of regional economies, providing legal frameworks for actions, defining communication patterns, and affecting learning possibilities (Gertler, ).…”