“…In this analysis, they control for the plan year, whether the state had an FFM or ran its own marketplace, plan type, carrier category, whether the area was urban, suburban or rural, market concentration in the individual insurance market prior to the ACA, number of insurers competing in the rating area, median family income, percentage of the uninsured population, and a state identifier. Jacobs et al (2015) expands upon this analysis by removing omitted time-invariant factors with a FD multivariate regression analysis of 2014 and 2015 data from the FFMs. They find that one more insurer is associated with a 1.2% reduction in the 2LPS premium, after controlling for the 2012 US census population estimate, the percentage of population under the age of 18 years and over the age of 64 years, the percentage of rural population, median household income, the percentage of uninsured adults, and the percentage of population with incomes below poverty.…”