The TT deformation of a supersymmetric two-dimensional theory preserves the original supersymmetry. Moreover, in several interesting cases the deformed theory possesses additional non-linearly realized supersymmetries. We show this for certain N = (2, 2) models in two dimensions, where we observe an intriguing similarity with known N = 1 models in four dimensions. This suggests that higher-dimensional models with non-linearly realized supersymmetries might also be obtained from TT -like flow equations.We show that in four dimensions this is indeed the case for N = 1 Born-Infeld theory, as well as for the Goldstino action for spontaneously broken N = 1 supersymmetry.
arXiv:1910.01599v1 [hep-th] 3 Oct 2019Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 D = 2 N = (2, 2) Flows and Non-Linear N = (2, 2) Supersymmetry 4 2.1 TT deformations with N = (2, 2) supersymmetry 4 2.2 The TT -deformed twisted-chiral model and partial-breaking 7 2.3 The TT -deformed chiral model and partial-breaking 13 3 D = 4 T 2 Deformations and Their Supersymmetric Extensions 16 3.1 Comments on the T 2 operator in D = 4 16 3.2 D = 4 N = 1 supercurrent-squared operator 18 4 Bosonic Born-Infeld As a T 2 Flow 20 5 Supersymmetric Born-Infeld From Supercurrent-Squared Deformation 22 7 Conclusions and Outlook 33 A Deriving a Useful On-shell Identity 36 construct two models describing the partial supersymmetry breaking pattern N = (4, 4) → N = (2, 2) in D = 2. These models have manifest N = (2, 2) supersymmetry from the superspace structure used in their construction, but they also admit another hidden nonlinear N = (2, 2) supersymmetry. It turns out the resulting actions are exactly the same as the N = (2, 2) chiral and twisted chiral TT -deformed actions of [18]. The intriguing relation between non-linear supersymmetry and TT therefore persists for models with manifest N = (2, 2) supersymmetry. Interestingly, even the D = 2 Volkov-Akulov action, describing the dynamics of the Goldstinos which arise from the spontaneous breaking of N = (2, 2) supersymmetry, satisfies a TT flow equation [21]. This collection of examples motivates us to see whether any higher-dimensional theories with non-linear supersymmetries might also satisfy TT -like flow equations. It has been known for more than two decades that the Bagger-Galperin action for the D = 4 N = 1 Born-Infeld theory describes N = 2 → N = 1 partial supersymmetry breaking [22]. Does the Bagger-Galperin action arise from a TT -like deformation of N = 1 Maxwell theory? That the linear order deformation is given by a supercurrent-squared operator was noted long ago in [23]. Much more recently, bosonic Born-Infeld theory was shown to satisfy a T 2 flow equation, where T 2 is an operator quadratic in the stress-energy tensor [24]. In this work, we explicitly show that the Bagger-Galperin action indeed satisfies a supercurrentsquared flow equation, generalizing the observation of [23] to all orders in the deformation parameter. The supercurrent-squared deformation operator is constructed from supercurrent multiplets, but its to...