The article is devoted to the problem of reliable and stable functioning of the Russian electric power complex. The analysis of structural transformations in the electric power industry and statistical data allowed the authors of the study to conclude that in the industry there is a decrease in the reliability of energy facilities, the stability of the energy system is being violated, and the level of physical and moral depreciation of fixed assets is increasing. It was established in the work that in order to maintain the balance of production and consumption of electric energy, to ensure the necessary level of development of the electric power complex and economic stability, it is necessary to integrate energy enterprises into a single structural mechanism, which can be represented as a holding company. At the end of the work, a mechanism of convergence and ensuring the sustainability of the electric power complex is presented, containing measures for the integration of energy enterprises, the development of a program for ensuring stability and monitoring the technical condition of the energy system. In conclusion, the study presents the main findings and results of the work.