In this research, a con ned aquifer with low groundwater ow was considered to meet the cooling and heating requirements of residential complexes. The complexes were located in the cities of Ahvaz, Ardabil, Bandar Abbas, Esfahan, Kerman, Rasht, Tehran, and Zahedan. The complex in Ardabil mostly required heating, the ones in Ahvaz and Bandar Abbas mostly required cooling, and the complexes in other cities required both heating and cooling. Four di erent alternatives of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) were analyzed in this study. These alternatives consisted of using ATES: 1) alone for cooling, 2) coupled with a conventional refrigeration system or a chiller for cooling, 3) by employing at plate solar collectors for heating, and 4) by employing at plate solar collectors and a heat pump for heating. Thermal energy recovery factor and the annual Coe cient Of Performance (COP) of the alternatives were determined. The results showed that for buildings located in cities with mild climatic conditions (such as Esfahan), where the annual heating and cooling energy requirements were almost equal, the use of ATES would be highly recommendable, no matter through what alternative considered in this investigation.