A generalization of the experience of the regional land management of the city of Kemerovo was carried out, and the environmental problems solved in this case were identified, among which the main problem is road transport - the main air pollutant. The purpose of the study is to develop a solution to the environmental problems of the city of Kemerovo by methods of regional land management. The object of the study is the environmental problems of the city of Kemerovo, and its subject is the peculiarities of their solution by methods of regional land management. The studies provide for the development of new solutions for the implementation of the regional land management of the city of Kemerovo based on the formation of a new methodological approach to regulate the traffic flow in order to reduce air pollution. The practical significance of the implementation of the new approach consists in carrying out the regional land management of the city of Kemerovo in order to reduce the impact of emissions from road transport.