The Thirty Meter Telescope project is designing a 30 m diameter ground-based optical telescope. Unsteady wind loads on the telescope structure due to turbulence inside the telescope enclosure impact the delivered image quality. A parametric model is described that predicts the optical performance due to wind with sufficient accuracy to inform relevant design decisions, including control bandwidths. The model is designed to be sufficiently computationally efficient to allow rapid exploration of the impact of design parameters or uncertain/variable input parameters, and includes (i) a parametric wind model, (ii) a detailed structural dynamic model derived from a finite element model, (iii) a linear optical response model, and (iv) a control model. Model predictions with the TMT structural design are presented, including the parametric variation of performance with external wind speed, desired wind speed across the primary mirror, and optical guide loop bandwidth. For the median mountaintop wind speed of 5.5 m/s, the combination of dome shielding, minimized cross-sectional area, and control results in acceptable image degradation.