The comprehensive analysis University of Maryland Advanced Rotor Code (UMARC) was used to quantify the capabilities of trailing-edge flaps (TEFs) for helicopter vibration reduction and performance improvement. The rotor performance in hover was improved with a combination of torsionally softer blades and positive TEF deflections. Suitable combinations of lower harmonic TEF inputs were shown capable of reducing the rotor power requirement by about 4-5% at an advance ratio of μ = 0.4. The TEF was shown to be capable of suppressing vibratory loads at a range of forward speeds, using half peak-to-peak deflections of about 5 • -10 • . Softening the blades in torsion resulted in larger flap actuation requirements for vibration reduction. A combination of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5/rev TEF inputs resulted in a power reduction of 1.5%, while also reducing certain vibratory loads by more than 50% in high-speed forward flight.
C cblade section chord force (positive towards leading edge) coefficient C m blade section pitching moment coefficient C n blade section normal force coefficientrev hub longitudinal shear, lb F y N b /rev hub lateral shear, lb F z N b /rev hub vertical shear, lb f x blade root lateral shear, lb f y blade root longitudinal shear, lb f z blade root vertical shear, lb GJ blade torsional rigidity, lb ft 2 HPP half peak-to-peak J 1 , J 2 vibration objective functions L/D lift-to-drag ratio M blade section Mach number M x N b /rev hub roll moment, lb-ft M y N b /rev hub pitch moment,