MafB proteins are toxins secreted by
spp. which are involved in interbacterial competition. Their secretion mechanism has so far not been elucidated. Each strain can produce several MafB variants. On the chromosome, the
genes are localized on genomic islands also containing
genes. MafA proteins have a role in virulence with reported activities in adhesion and transcytosis of pathogenic
Neisseria, a priori
unrelated to MafB activities. In this study, we investigated the possible involvement of MafA in the transport of MafB across the outer membrane of
Neisseria meningitidis
. In wild-type strains, proteolytic fragments of MafB proteins were detected in the extracellular medium. In the absence of MafA, secretion was abrogated, and, in the case of MafB
, full-length and truncated polypeptides were detected inside the cells and inside outer-membrane vesicles. MafB
secretion required its cognate MafA, whereas MafB
could use any MafA. Heterologous expression in
Escherichia coli
showed that MafB
is transported to a cell-surface-exposed, i.e. protease-accessible, location in a MafA-dependent way. MafA itself was found to be localized to the outer membrane, forming large oligomeric complexes. As homologs were found in diverse bacteria, the Maf system represents a new protein secretion system in Gram-negative bacteria.