Mobile adhoc networks have grown in prominence in recent years, and they are now utilized in a broader range of applications. The main challenges are related to routing techniques that are generally employed in them. Mobile Adhoc system management, on the other hand, requires further testing and improvements in terms of security. Traditional routing protocols, such as Adhoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), employ the hop count to calculate the distance between two nodes. The main aim of this research work is to determine the optimum method for sending packets while also extending life time of the network. It is achieved by changing the residual energy of each network node. Also, in this paper, various algorithms for optimal routing based on parameters like energy, distance, mobility, and the pheromone value are proposed. Moreover, an approach based on a reward and penalty system is given in this paper to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms under the impact of parameters. The simulation results unveil that the reward penalty-based approach is quite effective for the selection of an optimal path for routing when the algorithms are implemented under the parameters of interest, which helps in achieving less packet drop and energy consumption of the nodes along with enhancing the network efficiency.