The cultivation of cherax quadicarinatus is one of the aquaculture businesses with superior prospects. Meanwhile, it was also discovered that lobster has biological advantages, which include uncomplicated reproduction, adaptability, and are technically easy to cultivate with relatively high prices. Therefore, this study aimed to provide a monitoring system using the Antares Platform and a temperature control system that has not installed the Internet of Things (IoT). It is formed by three components, namely things, connectivity, and platform, which can be built in various ways according to the applications needs. Furthermore, each component has a different level of efficiency and effectiveness. The things component is divided into Sensors and Controllers. The DFRobot DS18B20, DS18B20, and Atlas Scientific (PT-1000) temperature sensors were discussed and compared. The results showed that there is a little difference between DFRobot DS18B20 and DS18B20, which are 23.9ºC and 24.0ºC, respectively, while the Atlas Scientific (PT-1000) has the large difference of 25.6ºC. Moreover, the controller, connectivity, and platform discussed ESP32, Wi-Fi, and the Antares Platform, respectively. Artemis is a prototype made for a temperature control system that does not have IoT installed. Based on the test results, the prototype maintained the spawning pond at an ideal temperature of 26ºC -28ºC, and the monitoring test was successfully sent to the Antares Platform.